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Who can apply?

You can apply to participate if you have an artistic practice. You don't need to be a full-time artist, but you should be able to show some evidence of education, recognition by peers and/or previous showings / performances.


We are especially interested if you belong to any of the following priority groups, identified by the Ontario Arts Council:


  • Artists of Colour: The term “artist of colour” is based on the Government of Canada’s definition of “visible minorities,” which is defined as “persons, other than Aboriginal peoples, who are non-white in colour.”

  • Deaf Artists and Artists with Disabilities: This priority group includes people who have physical, mental or learning conditions with long-term, temporary, or varying effects that may be apparent or not.

  • Indigenous Artists: The term “Indigenous” refers to First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples.

  • New Generation Artists: The term “new generation” refers to a person who is younger than mid-thirties.

  • Artists Living In Regions Outside Toronto: “Regions outside Toronto” means Ontario regions outside the City of Toronto. (Toronto postal codes begin with M.)

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©2022 Art Now Quinte

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